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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    2701 Her sister Lillian's notes list her birthday as August 24, 1879. YOUNGER, Nancy Lee (Lee) (I313)
    2702 Her son, Charles Francis Puckett's record in the California Death Index lists Effie's maiden name as "Lemaster." Lemasters, Effie Angeline (I88)
    2703 Her stone was broken in half when I visited. Here are the inscriptions: Savercool, Jacob (I12807)
    2704 Her surname was previously listed as Pickel/Pickle. Diekerhoff, Anna Magdalena (I15084)
    2705 Herman was described as a small man, with a high pitched laugh similar to that of his son Clarence, and with a bow legged gait. He was a well known practical joker, but was otherwise unassuming. Herman lived with his father at 503 Warner in
    1910, while working as a machinist. His marriage certificate, June 20, 1916, lists him as an Iron Worker, residing in Monitor Township, Bay County. By 1920, he and his own family lived at 711 N. Dewitt, Bay City. This house was small, with no
    indoor toilet, and heat was provided by a stove in the living room that sometimes got so hot that it glowed red. After his daughter, Priscilla, was born, he bought the empty lot on the northwest corner of Clara and Dewitt streets. A house
    belonging to the Sims family, on Wenona near Clara was split into 3 parts, one of which was bought by Herman and moved onto his lot. He dug the basement under the house using a horse and a scoop. The house had a bathroom built into the
    upstairs which contained only a toilet and sink. Bathing was done in a small galvininized tin tub in the kitchen. The address of the home is 107 E. Clara, and is across the street from 600 N. Dewitt. 600 N. Dewitt was originally the
    Stark/Telfer residence, but became a center of the Doan family for many years thereafter. Herman and his family were members of The Christian Assembly church where his father, Charles, was the minister of the gospel. Herman loved his Campbell's
    Pork & Beans, and his cigar. On Sunday afternoon, he would walk to the store on N. Henry St. and N. Union St. with one or more of the children and buy a cigar and a can of pork & beans for dinner. He thought it cute to blow the cigar smoke in
    the faces of the children. Life was difficult for the family. Margaret Grace died. The home was sometimes heated with wood that he and his son, Nathan, would go and cut. They had to walk out to the farm of Charles W. Doan to get the horse and
    wagon, go cut the wood, take it to the house, then take the horse and wagon back out to State Park Dr. and walk home. Coal was sometimes too expensive for the family. Herman also planted potatoes on the fertile hillsides of the waste area of
    the sugar plant out on Euclid St. He worked there as a day laborer when he could. It is said that he often had sores from the irritating properties of the lime soil there. He fed the family and made extra money with the potatoes. After Grace
    died, Herman started going to the beer gartens often. He would take young Carl with him, because many of the men there thought he was cute and would buy drinks for Herman. Herman got a job at the Defoe Ship Yards as a laborer. He scratched
    his hand or lower arm which became infected. Untreated, the infection spread throughout his body. His arm was amputated at the elbow in an attempt to stop the infection's spread. He died a painful death in the hospital. He left behind 5
    orphaned children, the oldest just 17 years old. 
    2706 Hia sister Kate wrote in her bible Sept. 24, 1881. YOUNGER, John Coleman (I315)
    2707 Hiram was the oldest child of the family during hard times. As his brothers and sisters were being taught to read and write, he was required to help support the family. While still living on Scaugog Island, he worked for a man for 3 days to
    earn a violin. He had to reglue the instrument after his father smashed it, claiming it made sweeter music afterwards. When he was 23 years old, Hiram moved to Flint, Michigan with his parents, stayed for a couple of years, then the family
    moved to the farm at Port Sanilac. Hiram was married in a double ceremony with Hiram Smith, brother of Mercy, and Elizabeth Stoutenburg, sister of Hiram Stoutenburg. In March, 1861, Hiram bought a 40 acre farm 1.5 miles east and 1 mile north
    of Applegate, Michigan for $240. A mortgage of $168.80 was taken From Mr. Hartman London, and was paid off in Aug, 1871. In Dec. 1862, Mercy bought 20 acres for $75. cash which she had inherited from her father. In 1862, Hiram played violin
    for the opening dance at the Cadillac Hotel in Lexington, Michigan. He started at 8 PM and was playing and calling the dance still after midnight. He earned $10 for his effort. It was the most money he ever earned for one dance, and it
    seemed like a fortune. Hiram got his leg broken at a logging bee at Sam Dickens farm when his oxen ran away with a log which swung aroung, catching him between it and another log. The story goes that the doctor was drunk when he set the leg,
    which is why one leg was shorter then the other. While he was recovering, the county supervisor visited saying that Hiram had to accept aid from the county. Hiram agreed, only after it was determined that this was a loan, and not aid. He
    didn't want his children to see his name on the county books. He paid back the $16. In 1876, the family sold the old farm and bought 120 acres in Custer Tnsp. from Wm. Chapman. Mother, Father, and nine children moved there. The farm had
    40 acres on the south side and 80 acres on the north side of Forester Road. 
    2708 His brother Coonrod married into the Windemuth family. Kishpaugh, John J. (I15064)
    2709 His date of baptism was April 12, 1793. The baptism was performed by the Rector of St Mark's Niagara-on-the-Lake Wintemute, Abraham (I3854)
    2710 His date of birth was previously listed as Feb 4, 1810. Perhaps that is his baptisim date? Snover, William (I13139)
    2711 His descendants were updated by Richard C. Witters ( Cool, Crittienden Irelius (I10758)
    2712 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I836)
    2713 His Godfather was Christoph Stoelner WINDEMUTH, Johan Christoph (I501)
    2714 His name is listed as Alleniah A. Puckett on his son Jon's death certificate. Grandpa Asa Wolfe wrote it down as Allenias on the family photo. I have also seen people writing it as Allen N or Allen Nias. PUCKETT, Allen N. (I27)
    2715 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I10990)
    2716 His parents were both born in New York. DORIVAL, Edward P. (I844)
    2717 His parents were James A. Miller and Emma Dianthia Carney. James A. Miller was in the 198th Volunteers during the Civil War. I have the roster of the company he was in (Company H). Interestingly, this company fought the Peninsula Campaign.
    The Battle of Deer Run was fought about two miles from my house. The company also fought at Weldon Railroad, one of the toughest battles of the final year of the war. It mustered out in Philadelphia in 1864. 
    Miller, Jesse Orluf (I3377)
    2718 His parents were: Van Aken, Marinus (I12969)
    2719 His sister Lillian's notes list his birth as Sept. 23, 1881. YOUNGER, John Coleman (I315)
    2720 His strong work ethic continued to the end. He suffered a stroke while working at his business on Sunday. He died several days later. Dennis, Wilfred (I13178)
    2721 His wife and his sister were both named Nettie. Ina Mae Wolfe confirms this. DUNNING, John (I81)
    2722 His will dated 26 May 1770 and 4 of his children were listed in the will. George Wintermute (relationship ?) was the executor. The Will was Recorded in Liber 17 page 96 (New Jersey Archives Calendar of Wills 1771-1780 at Trenton N. J Snover\Schnauber, Johannes (I4410)
    2723 His will was probated in 1807. Appleman, Johannes (I15814)
    2724 History of the Year: A Chronological Listing of Events from 1892-1915 from the Dufford, Gilbert (I15925)
    2725 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13008)
    2726 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13015)
    2727 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I15542)
    2728 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I15676)
    2729 hobbies:Skiing Klemens, Edward Sigmund (I15677)
    2730 Horace died from complications caused by a knee injury. Shackelton, Horace (I3139)
    2731 How fitting! McGaw, Anna Rose (I14303)
    2732 However Linda Muessig ( and Robert Smith ( both gave us the name Charity. Ayers, Charity A. (I2152)
    2733 Savercool, Julia Ann or Julianne (I2388)
    2734 Savercool, Jacob (I12807)
    2735 McPhail, Zelma Grace Wright (I11277)
    2736 Murray, Jonathan (I1749)
    2737 Heaton, Leah (I3092)
    2738 by Catherine Di Pietro Kinney, Frederick M. (I10709)
    2739 9-4-99 Smith, Lorenzo D. (I1374)
    2740 9-4-99 Wintermute, Willard Arthur (I2436)
    2741 I had her death year as 1982, Steve Henry corrected it to 1986 WINTERMUTE, Carol Jean (I706)
    2742 I also noticed that George & Eva's son John Wintermote married a Laura Amanda Boram. Could this possibly be William & Betsey's child? Cochran, Elizabeth M. (I86)
    2743 I am descended from Peter Main or Mains. I was going through some old papers that belonged to my great grandmother Olive Hill Waggoner and found correspondence from an attorney in Eldora, Iowa referring to the disposition of a Wintermute estate
    in 1942. I am wondering if you have any knowledge as to which Wintermute this may be from. I have, until today, been unaware of a Wintermute connection in my family. 
    Maines, Evaline H. (I2104)
    2744 I am looking for the parents of John Fielding Price 1834- 1894 and Isaac E. Price 1835-1905 I have them Bardwell ky carlisle county. I can not find any one who can fill me in on their parents. Both were well known throught out their lives in
    this area but where did they come from. John is my ggrandfather. I would appreciate any information. Nate Price e-mail address ( ) Thank You so much 
    PRICE, Isaac (I801)
    2745 I am not sure of these children. Consider these to be possibilities, not proven, for descendants to further research. Schauer (Showers), Hannah (I15113)
    2746 I am trying to determine the identity of Maria Julia Huber (Hover, Hoover) wife of George Philip Wintermute. Huber, Maria Juliana (I1311)
    2747 I believe I have found George W. Blazier's parents. Christian and Christena Blazer notice the different spelling of the surname. he was b. in 1742 in either Holland or Germany. he d. Dec. 1803 in Bernard Twp. Somerset Co. NJ and md. in NJ in
    1767. George was the 1st of 7 kids. He was b. 1768 in Hunterdon Co. NJ.(possibly Amwell Twp.) as yet I have not found a wife or any other kids than Daniel D. but George's bro.' s. are Peter; Christopher; Joseph; Amzi I; Phillip; and William,
    no girls. They were all b. in Hunterdon Co. NJ. 
    Blazier, George W. (I15887)
    2748 I believe that the Ralph (Everett) Prentice you show married to Florence Snover is my grandfather. Snover, Florence (I11848)
    2749 I can't find any information on Fred's family, but there is a Frank Heinzman, born about 1859 in Friend, Saline County, Nebraska in the 1920 and 1930 census. Frank's parents are also born in Germany and Frank was born in Illinois. This is probably Fred's brother.

    I don't have any documentation for this or for confirming Frank's parents. Someone from his descendents would want to prove this relationship before moving on. 
    Heinzman, Frederic C. (I4313)
    2750 I found George Wintermote and his 1st wife Eve in Randolph Co IN in 1850 and in the same vicinity Thomas & Rebecca Cochran as well as an Amos Cochran. I am Cochran, Elizabeth M. (I86)

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