Place List: W, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):
Click on a place to show smaller localities. Click on the search icon to show matching individuals. Heat Map
1. WA (10)
2. Wadena Cemetery
3. Wadena County. Minnesota (1)
4. Wales (2)
5. Walnut Valley
6. Warren County
7. Warren County between Marksboro & Paulina
8. Warren County New Jersey (1)
9. Warrington Monthly Meeting
10. Warwick
11. was hit by a plow
12. Washington (56)
13. Washington (state)
14. Washington D.C.
15. Washington state
16. Wayne Two. Henry Co. Indiana
17. Wayne Twp. Henry Co. Indiana
18. Welland County (1)
19. Welland River; drowned at age of 18
20. Went West
21. West Germany (2)
22. West Virginia (13)
23. Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial park
24. when young
25. Whetesll Sett
26. While Sarah Jane was a baby
27. WI (18)
28. WI St Mary's Hosp. (1)
29. WI 53027 (Hartford or Washington WI)
30. Wichita Falls. Texas
31. Wilfod Hall Medical Center
32. Wilkes Barre. Pennsylvania
33. Winona
34. Wisconsin (42)
35. Wisconson (2)
36. Woodstock
37. World War II (1)
38. WV (3)
39. Wyandotte Co. (1)
40. Wyoming (49)
41. Wyoming at home (1)
42. Wyoming Valley massacre