1863 - 1954 (90 years)
Name |
Thomas Jefferson LEWIS |
Born |
28 Dec 1863 |
Charlottesville, Indiana |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
16 Aug 1954 |
Oxford, NE |
Buried |
20 Aug 1954 |
Highland Cemetery, Oxford, Nebraska |
- According to the Highland Cemetery records, Carrie's headstone reads, "Carrie W. Lewis b,7 Dec 1873 d. 20 Nov 1967.
This makes more sense because I have snapshot photos of me (Rebecca Yvonne Lewis) with my family and Grandma Carrie. I also remember visiting her in the nursing home when she was blind and suffering from some sort of dementia. she couldn't remember her child, grandpa Leslie, or her grandchildren. My dad was quite adament about trying to help her remember him.
Notes |
- A newspaper clipping about their 50th wedding anniversery reads:
- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis had the honor to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Sunday, August 29th. Open house was held in the evening at which time relatives and friends gathered to extend congratulations. Ice cream and cake were served.
A beautifully decorated cake was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis by Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Lewis.
- They received several nice gifts and a number of cards.
- The event was planned by their neices and nephews and was much appreciated by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Relatives present were: their son Leslie Lewis of Omaha, grandson Roger Lewis and nephew and wife Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Wintermute and daughters,
all of McCook, Mr. and Mrs. Argyll Lewis of Stamford, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wanner, and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Lewis.
- From the OXFORD STANDARD Thursday, September 3, 1953
- Lewises Observed Sixtieth Aniversary
- Observed Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Lewis was their 60th Wedding Anniversary. To help them celebrate the occasion were 58 guests who registered during the afternoon.
- A picnic dinner was given at noon for the immediate family on the Argyl Lewis lawn. The Lewises held open house from 3 to 6 p.m. at which time many wellwishers dropped in to visit.
- Cake presented to the couple was baked by Mrs. Walter Wanner and decorations were from Mrs. Argyll Lewis. It was a three tiered affair of white decorated with red roses. Atop the cake were wedding bells with doves and the figures sixty in
- In addition they received a lovely boquet of flowers from their son Leslie Lewis, who was unable to attend. He lives in Pomona, Calif. The boquet consisted of pink glads, yellow pompoms and orange-yellow chrysanthemums.
- Moving pictures were presented by their grandson Rex O. Lewis and wife and baby, Tommy
- of Redlands, Calif. Scenes were of the family and baby. Many lovely gifts and cards of rememberance were received.
- Special guests wer Mr. and Mrs. Asa A. Wolfe of McCook, parents of Mrs. Rex O. Lewis. The Wolfes were celebrating their 36th wedding anniversary that day.
- Relatives from out of town were Mr. and Mrs H.C. Lewis of Vergas Minn., Mrs. Mabel Harry of Arcola, Ill., Mrs Myrtle Wintermute , Friend, Nebr.
- Looking back over the 60 years, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Lewis remember that on August 29, 1893, they were married at the courthouse at Wilbur, Nebr. Mrs. Lewis was then Miss Carrie Wintermute.
- Just a few months following their wedding in January, 1894, they moved to Furnas county where they settled on a farm ten miles northwest of Oxford. Their home has been here ever since.
- When they first came to this county they lived in a sod house. This was their home until 1906 when they built a frame home. Leonard Hays now lives on the farm where they started their farming life.
- In 1918, Mr. Lewis , who is now 89, decided to leave the farm and moved to Oxford. After 12 years sojurn in town, they returned to the farm where they lived another 12 years, returning in 1940.
- While living in town they made their home where they do today, just a block west of the school house. Mrs. Lewis is 79 years of age.
- To the Lewis family, three children were born. A son Leslie, lives in California, and two baby daughters died in infancy.
- Taking a backward look, the couple have found the years filled with happiness, joys, sorrows, but all in all they were grand years of wedded bliss.
- From a paper with OXFORD, FURNAS COUNTY above the obituary:
- Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Friday, August 20, for Thomas J Lewis, who passed away Monday, Aug. 16, 1954. Rev. Willis Taplin officiated.
- Music was furnished by Dale Eickman, vocalist, and Mrs. Edna Lueking, organist.
- Pallbearers were Argyll Lewis, Edmund Lewis, Ralph Lewis, Walter Wanner, Merlin Wintermute and Roger Wintermute.
- Burial was in the Oxford Cemetary with Lyons-Quig Funeral Home in charge.
- Thomas Jefferson Lewis was the youngert of six children born to Daniel Lewis and Sarah Lewis at Charlottville, Indiana, Dec. 28, 1863, and passed away at Oxford, Nebraska on August 16, 1954 at the age of 90 years, 7 months and 18 days.
- In 1885 at the age of 21 he moved from Charlottville, Indiana to Fairburry, Nebraska. He lived near Fairbury and Western, Nebraska for a number of years.
- August 29, 1893, he was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Wintermute, and to this union three children were born. Two infant daughters preceded him in death.
- Shoytly before his marriage he and his bride moved from Western, Nebraska , to a farm in gosper county. In January 1894, they moved to a farm northwest of Oxford. They made their home here until 1917 when they moved off the farm and came into
Oxford. In 1929they again moved back to the farm and lived there until 1940. In 1940 they again moved into Oxford and have made their home here until his death.
- He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Carrie Lewis of Oxford; one son, Leslie Lewis of San Bernardino, California; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren other relatives and a host of friends.
- Out-of-town relatives attending the services were Mrs. E.G. Wintermute of Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. E.A. Wintermute of Friend, Nebr.; Mr and Mrs. M.E. Wintermute and Roger Wintermute of Hastings, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs P.C. O'Brien of Hastings,
Nebr. ; Mr. A.L. Stone and two daughters of Denver Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wolfe of McCook, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Kaup, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walden of Huntley, Nebr.; Mrs. M. Poppert and Mrs. Orvylle Poppert of Stamford, Nebr.
- Card of Thanks
- We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all our relatives , neighbors and friends for all their kind and thoughtful acts during the sickness and our recent bereavement. Your kindness will always be remembered.
- Mrs. Carrie Lewis
- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lewis
Person ID |
I171 |
Maykoski and Lewis |
Last Modified |
26 Oct 2009 |
Father |
John Daniel LEWIS, b. 1829, Indiana , d. 1869, Wayne Twp, Henry Co, IN (Age 40 years) |
Mother |
Sarah Hartley, b. 1830 - 1932, Indiana , d. 1886 |
Married |
06 Nov 1851 |
Hamilton County, Indiana |
Census |
1860 federal census |
1860 census for Sarah and John Daniel Lewis
Census |
1870 federal census |
1870 census for Sarah and Daniel Lewis
Census |
1880 federal census |
1880 census for Sarah Lewis and sons
Photos |
 | Children and grandchildren of Daniel and Sarah Lewis, about 1908 Leslie Deats (Jack) Lewis insisted that the seated woman was Aunt Isophine. She looks much older than her brothers. |
 | Children and Grandchildren of Daniel and Sarah Lewis -Map
Family ID |
F120 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Carrie WINTERMUTE, b. 7 Dec 1873, Friend, NE , d. 20 Nov 1967, Oakland, CA (Age 93 years) |
Married |
29 Aug 1894 |
near Fairbury and Western, NE |
Notes |
- Carrie and Tommy's daughter who died in infancy was listed in the Wintermute Family History as "Ilah Vere". However, accpording to the Highland Cemetery records, the grave in Highland Cemetery near Alexander, Hannah, and Ralph Waldo Lewis gives her name as "Olive A. lewis Infant dau of T.J. ANd Carrie"
Children |
+ | 1. Leslie Owen (Skeet) LEWIS, b. 31 Dec 1896, Gosper Co., NE , d. 26 Feb 1969, Oakland, CA (Age 72 years) |
| 2. Ilah Vere LEWIS, b. 13 Nov 1898, near Oxford,Furnas Co., NE , d. Sep 1898 |
 | Tommy, Carrie and Leslie Lewis
 | Tommy Lewis sod house inside
 | Tommy Lewis sod house outside
 | Tommy and Carrie Wintermute Lewis, 1910 census, New Era, Furnas Co., Nebraska
 | Tommy and Carrie Wintermute Lewis 1920 census, Oxford, Furnas Co., Nebraska
 | 1930 census, Carrie and Tommy Lewis with Alex nearby.
Last Modified |
26 Jan 2020 |
Family ID |
F119 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |